Child Development

The Child Development program offers many developmental and educational activities encouraging young ones to grow into their full potential, and in doing so allowing families to continue working in order to support themselves and their children.

Shores of Hope Child Development Providing Hope through Growth

Shores of Hope’s Child Development is funded by the State of California Department of Education (SCOE) for children ages three to five and from income-eligible homes. The Child Development Center provides children with a wide range of activities designed to help them grow and develop while simultaneously allowing families to work or attend other programs during these valuable hours with the security of knowing that their children are safe and their needs met. The areas of child development include Approaches to Learning-Self Regulation, Language and Literacy Development, Social and Emotional Development, English Language Development, Cognition including Math and Science, Physical Development-Health, History-Social Science, and Visual and Performing Arts.

" We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that [they are] someone today." - Stacia Tauscher

In September of 2016, Shores of Hope became a full inclusion classroom for Special Needs Children ages three to five as part of the Full Inclusion Program for Special Needs Children. A number of our applicantions will be reserved for Special Needs Children. Specially-trained teachers will work with the children providing a one-to-three ratio of teacher-to-student, offering substantial focus and attention for the children.

We are also happy to announce that we qualified for Preschooler’s Shaping Healthy Impressions through Nutrition and Exercise (SHINE) program. Preschooler’s SHINE is a statewide recognition program that showcases the outstanding work that many California child care and development programs do every day to promote the health and well-being of young children. Preschools SHINE sites feature optimal policies and health, nutrition, and physical activity practices that support our children’s health, their readiness to learn, and foster healthy habits during the early years of growth and development.